Bebe's Story
Bebe is a loving and talented horse, and will be an amazing horse for me. My father purchased Bebe at 2 years old from a very close friend that originally taught me how to ride horses, and now runs his own theraputic center. I was going to train Bebe for the man, but he ended up staying here. When I first started working with him he was a scared unconfident right brained colt, scared of most of everything and not confident of himself like most 2 and 3 year olds. He was a blank slate, no baggage and a great start on life. I was ready to make my own horse! Now Bebe has matured beautifully and is learning more about life and himself every day, he is rarely unconfident and gives 110% in everything he does. He is now playing in Level 3/4 and becoming a better horse after every session. Bebe has a very bright future and will be a star no doubt!
Bebe's Horsenality as of September 2008
Bebe's Horsenality as of May 2008
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Copyright © 2008 Little Patch of Heaven Stables